Believing The Lie May Cost You Your Life!

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If you have ever read the first chapters of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, you know that Adam and Eve believed the lie of Satan. 

What happened?
Exactly what God said would happen: they both died!

And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:16-17)

You may say: But they did not really ‘die’ because they lived on for hundreds of years.
Yes that is true, but they were created to live FOREVER in paradise, NOT just for hundreds of years.

So, the truth is they did indeed die!
The problem is not so much that they died physically, but they died spiritually!
From the day they ate of the fruit that God commanded them NOT to eat, they were separated from God, for ETERNITY!

Fast forward to today.
What I am about to say may shock some of you, so brace yourselves.

The entire pharmaceutical/medical industry is a vehicle of Satan to kill, maim and destroy!

Do you know that the 3rd largest killer in the US alone is medical procedures and drugs?
Yet shockingly there are many people who still trust this industry with all its pharmakeia and invasive medical procedures!

In fact, many people trust the vaccines they manufacture when, in fact, these vaccines have killed and maimed thousands and possibly millions of people. The problem is that many of those who have been injured from vaccines have been silenced, so we don’t know the true statistics.

If you are one of those people who believes vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, I would like to appeal to your common sense and ask you a few questions:

Do you even know what is in vaccines?

FACT: Vaccines contain MERCURY, one of the most toxic substances on earth. They also contain foreign RNA and DNA from animals, aborted fetal tissue, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other antifreeze-like compounds. Read more about this here and here.

Have you studied ANY scientific literature on vaccines?
How do you know they are ‘safe and effective’?

Enter the Covid vaccine.
Do you believe the Covid vaccine is ‘safe and effective’ as the leaders of this world say?

If you do, the truth itself proves you wrong!
Did you know that a 30-year nurse fell unconscious 17 minutes after taking the Covid vaccine?
Did you know that a 75-year old man died just 2 hours after taking the Covid vaccine?
If you don’t, it is because the ‘media’ is suppressing all this information!

Do you know what is in the Covid vaccine?

Let me tell you:
1. Genetically Modified Organisms
2. Aborted fetal cells
3. Nanoparticles
4. An enzyme called Luciferase (This enzyme is intended to ‘light’ up your cells so you can be easily detected).

Does that sound like things you would want in your body?

I ask you another common sense question:

How do you expect the above ingredients circulating in your blood to make you healthy?

Did you know that this Covid vaccine is specifically intended to CHANGE your DNA?
Yes, you heard that right.
The Covid vaccine will ‘re-structure’ your DNA!

My friend, this is not a vaccine, this is a BIOWEAPON directly from Satan!

Remember the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis?
They believed the lie and they DIED, EXACTLY as God said they would!
They thought they were smarter than God!

Same today: people believe they know better than God.
They believe that a toxic vaccine will ‘save’ them from disease, but they never considered that God is they ONLY one that can save them from disease or anything else!

The consequence?
They die!  Both physically AND spiritually!

God means what He says and says what He means!
God reigns supreme!
Those who oppose God or think they are smarter than Him are completely shattered, not only losing their temporal life on earth but their ETERNAL life as well!

What does God have to say about the Covid vaccine?
Have you ever considered this question?

Here are a few links to God’s messages:
Covid Vaccinations Mean Death
Vaccine Warnings
Final Warning!

God warns people unequivocally that taking the Covid vaccine will consign them to ETERNAL HELL WITHOUT REMEDY!
Why? Because the vaccine will alter their DNA and make them UNABLE to know God now or ever!

People are dropping dead from the Covid vaccine and going straight to hell after that!
God means what He says and says what He means!

My friend, please WAKE UP before it is too late!


Stop believing Satan’s lies!

Believe GOD because He is the one that LOVES YOU!
He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross so you can have eternal life!
Accept Christ’s saving hand of mercy NOW!

God does NOT want you to perish but if you believe the lie, your fate is sealed!
As in the beginning of days, so in the end of days.




WARNINGS FROM THE LORD: Understand this, if you choose to WILLINGLY take any of these Covid vaccines, then you are no longer fully human and you will go to Hell. I AM did not die on the cross for any who are not human. This is a choice that you make for yourselves. I AM does not send you to Hell, you send yourself there. Be aware of your choice and choose wisely, for there is no going back. DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE WHO HAVE SAID OTHERWISE FOR THEY ARE MISTAKEN. Read the LORD’s message here.

The LORD calls the ‘vaccine’ a diabolical serum! Read the LORD’s message here.


Related Posts: Do You Want To Know The Truth?, Beware: Covid Vaccine: READ THE LABEL!, Critical Covid Vaccine Information


Links for further study:

What is in the Covid vaccine?

The effects of 5G

Vaccines and Cancer

Treatments for Covid19

Cure for Covid?

Don’t be a bystander in the war on truth. Get Involved!

How to neutralize the damage from mRNA Vaccines

Pine Needle Tea May Help Stop Virus Transmission
