This is a word from the Lord given to a sister in the Lord on December 7th, 2020:

“There will be an assault on your country. How serious it is depends on how firmly you pray and persevere in prayer. You have the ability to stop this by prayer. In other words, this does not have to happen. Yes, I said that, and yes, that is true. This does not have to happen.

But it will require more prayer. Pray directly against what the evil one has planned. Pray for snafus, pray for failures, pray for miscommunication, pray for mechanical failures, pray for misunderstandings, pray for navigational errors, pray for unfavorable weather conditions and pray for volcanic eruptions to stop them dead in their tracks. There is SO MUCH you can pray for that will sabotage their plans.

While you have been caught up in all the fraud they are preparing an assault. It could fail, it is in your hands. I want it to fail. This attack is not My judgment on the nation. It is the enemy yet again trying to bring down America. You and your prayer warriors, have the ability to stop this from happening.

THIS IS NOT MY WILL FOR YOU AMERICA. I have given you a second chance. You have woken up like a sleeping giant and are fighting for your country, which will live by My rules. But the enemy is hell bent on ruining you. Rise up and pray prayer warriors, this attack will fail if you pray passionately against it. It does not have to be. It is not My will. Arise and fend this off with your prayers!

I tell you the truth, you My Christian people, are the Restrainer and the plots against you shall not succeed as long as you pray. So arise and pray now for what is being planned against you. Pray that your military traitors will be exposed, stripped of their duty and arrested. Pray that plots will be intercepted and defenses will snap into place. Pray and defend your nation. This attack is not My will.” And the Lord was so adamant when He said this.


Here is another word from the Lord given to the same sister in the Lord:

There is nothing more powerful than prayer, nothing! Do not let Me down, press into prayer. There is nothing in your life right now more important than prayer. I am at your right hand, praying with you and together we will obtain the victory.

Ask the Lord to send more faithful prayer warriors!

Here is another urgent call from a sister in the Lord: Call To Repent.

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