We Serve A Mighty God!

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Brothers and sisters in Christ, we serve a mighty God!
Nothing is too difficult for Him!

If we pray with humility, complete confidence and trust, we will obtain what we pray for!
So be patient and wait upon the Lord and He will grant you your prayers for truth, righteousness and justice to prevail.
God’s timing is always PERFECT. He knows the EXACT moment when to act.

A sister in the Lord received this word from the Lord:

I am the Lord your God who brought the Jews up out of Egypt, a strong stubborn pharaoh, and a fierce army and I the Lord disarmed, dismantled and destroyed their hedge, their army, and pharaohs iron rod, is anything too difficult for Me the Lord God, the Lord of Hosts?
I am the Lord your God who caused a miracle to occur in the 6-day war for I the Lord of hosts fight for My children whether the enemy is foreign domestic, or occupy the highest seats of leadership and rule in the land.
I am the Lord who defeated the Midianites when Gideon was only given 300 men.
I am the Lord who toppled the walls of Jericho.
I am the God who raised up an orphaned girl named Hadassah (Esther) to be Queen of a Persian empire to defeat the exterminator, Haman.
I am the Lord who caused the chains to fall from Peter and the prison door to open.
I am the Lord your God who fed well over 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
I am the God of the universe who speaks to the atom and cells and they multiply.
I am the God who struck Herod.
I am the God who destroyed all of Sodom, Who flooded the entire earth and spared Noah and his family.
I am the God who caused Abraham and Sarah to conceive and birth forth a son at 90 and 100 years old.
I am the Lord your God who stood in the fire with Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego.
I am the Lord your God who commanded King Nebuchadnezzar the most powerful king, to live in the field like an animal and eat grass for 7 years until he humbled himself and gave glory to the Most high God and knew His place.
I am the Lord your God who raised a Hebrew boy named Joseph up out of prison to become the second most powerful man in all of Egypt next to Pharaoh.
I am the Lord your God who took a shepherd boy named David and slayed a giant, a blasphemous haughty giant, named Goliath, and raised him up to be King of Israel.
I am the Lord your God who took a hate-filled Pharisee named Saul and made him a new creation, raised him up as Paul to preach the gospel and write what you call the New Testament.
I am the Lord your God who causes the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, who causes axheads to float, who rained down fire upon an altar to demonstrate before the prophets of Baal who truly is GOD, the Most high God.
I AM and with every word that comes forth from ME, there is a power that can wipe out the entire earth, shatter the stars, create from a void and cause mountains to spring up in a moment.
I am the God who spoke and creation was.

In the book of Daniel we read the following:

His dominion is an eternal dominion. His kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him: “What have you done?” (Daniel 4:34-35)

People of God, put your faith in our Mighty God and you will have nothing to fear!
He will shelter you from the storm and provide for you in time of famine.
He already knows what you need.
What He wants is an intimate relationship with you.

Repent!  Get on your knees before Him and pour out your heart. He wants to hear it all!

Serve Him willingly and joyfully and He will demonstrate His limitless loving-kindness to you.

Now is not the time to fear but to RISE UP in FAITH and proclaim the greatness of our God!

Pray, fast and proclaim the WORD of God boldly!

Here are Scripture verses you can proclaim out loud every day: Scripture Verses For Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Warfare Prayers.

Rejoice that you are His and go forth and spread the Good News to every corner of this earth!


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