Be Holy!

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In Leviticus 11:44, God commands His people:
I am the LORD your God, consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.

Brothers and sisters, we are in the middle of a fierce spiritual battle right now!
The devil knows he has a very short time so he is working to do as much harm as possible.
We as people of God must be aware of this and act against the devil’s schemes.
We must be more holy now than ever before.

In Hebrews 12:14, we read:
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Take note of this: Without holiness no one will see the Lord.
What this means is that without holiness, a person will be thrown into the lake a fire!

Many people in the world may claim to belong to the Lord, but are they truly repenting?
Have they truly purified their lives of known sins?
Are they truly making a deliberate effort to be holy and to grow in holiness every day?

These, my friends, are questions we all must ask ourselves every day.

The times we live in are perilous, difficult, uncertain.
We don’t even know if we will have tomorrow.
Tomorrow is in God’s hands.

It is critical that we be ready to face God at any given moment.

Are we truly keeping the Lord’s word?
Are we seeking Him every day?
Do we put God FIRST in our lives?
Do we read His word DAILY?
Do we align our lives with His word?
Do we PRAY and FAST?
Do we invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and minds to purify us and guide us?

If you are not doing this, then the time to start is NOW!
Don’t delay!
The price for delay is your very soul!
The consequence is ETERNAL!
Do you understand?

If you are already doing this, then I challenge you to GROW in holiness.
Do MORE for the Lord than you have ever done before.
Spend MORE time in prayer.
Fast for longer periods of time.
Do MORE good to those around you.
Show MORE kindness to your enemies.
Do everything you can to ADVANCE the Kingdom of Heaven while there is still time!

God is watching and looking for those who are truly His.
Like soldiers in battle we must be ready to do as God commands us at any given moment.
God will provide for all our needs and He will give us the strength and stamina to do what He commands us.

The question is: Are you willing?

If your answer is yes then I urge you to start NOW!

Resolve not to sin. Get rid of anything in your life that hinders your progress in holiness and go forth with confidence knowing that as long as you are sincerely repenting, God is with you, that He will protect you and enable you to do all that He asks of you.

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