180 Million Degrees

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Hear ye, hear ye inhabitants of this earth!

There has never been a more urgent need in the history of this earth for prayer than now!

The earth and all its inhabitants are on the verge of extinction.

You may believe that everything is ok and that I am exaggerating but that is because you have not noticed what is going on right before your very eyes. The earth and every living thing upon it is slowly but surely dying. Geoengineering has been going on for many years and many people as still completely unaware and yet this is destroying whole ecosystems.

This is what Dane Wigington has to say:

Newly declassified documents reveal in detail what the end of the world would look like and why those vaporized instantly by an atomic bomb will be the lucky ones. From the report, one Megaton thermonuclear weapon detonation begins with a flash of light and heat so tremendous it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend: 180 million degrees Fahrenheit, the report states, is four or five times hotter than the temperatures at the center of the sun. Within a few seconds the fireball has increased to a diameter of a little more than a mile its heat is so intense that concrete explodes, metal melts or evaporates, stone shatters and people instantaneously convert into combusting carbon. Not a single thing in the fireball remains: nothing! Ground Zero is zeroed. Traveling at the speed of light, the radiating heat from the fireball ignites everything flammable several miles in every direction. How does all that sound given the fact that in some circles of power they are openly discussing what they see as, quote, a benefit of a limited nuclear exchange to cool our rapidly heating planet. Yes more genius from those most responsible for delivering us all to this dark hour in the first place since solar radiation management operations, aka weather warfare, only made the overall heating worse not better. Let’s just drop a few nukes, that’ll do the trick and yes, it will. If a limited nuclear exchange is allowed to occur, any nuclear exchange for that matter, it will be the end of the road. Ionizing radiation will strip away what’s remaining of the ozone layer. Game over.

Listen to the entire video here.

Please also watch The Dimming, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary.

SHARE this with family and friends and everyone you know on social media!

PRAY for your family and friends!

PRAY for this nation!

PRAY for all nations!

PRAY for the safety of this earth!

PRAY that God will thwart the evil plans of wicked people who are in positions of authority!

Accept Jesus Christ NOW if you have not done so yet.

Tomorrow may truly be too late!

PRAY throughout the day!

PRAY throughout the night if you can!


Perhaps God Almighty will have mercy on us and spare us!