We Are Living In Critical Moments Right Now!

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Brothers and sisters,

We are living in critical moments right now!

I cannot possibly overstate the need to REPENT in these critical hours before God’s judgments begin!

We must all REPENT wholeheartedly and sincerely before a JUST God Whom we have offended beyond measure!

I truly shudder to think of what is coming to this generation for all the reckless and abominable sins people have committed on this earth throughout history! Are you aware that approximately 3700 children are murdered in the womb EVERY DAY?! This alone calls for God’s most severe punishments upon this earth!

Do you know that millions of people have died from the vax? From little children to young adults, middle aged and older; and any more millions are suffering terrible side effects from it, completely disabled in many cases.

There is also the horrendous child trafficking where children are captured, abused and then sacrificed to the devil. I could go on and on. Many people are blind to what is going on but God is not! He sees every detail! He is grieved beyond description!

If we are truly God’s people we cannot and should not turn our backs to the suffering around us! We will be held accountable for what we did or did not do. We are in the midst of a silent holocaust right now where the victim’s families are being silenced. The true number of deaths are hidden but God sees it ALL!

Terrible judgments are hanging over this earth right now and we each have the responsibility to SHARE the truth so that as many people as possible will come out of the darkness and REPENT wholeheartedly and sincerely before it is too late!

Please SHARE the information I have provided in this website with everyone you know.

The truth is very precious and it will save lives.
There is very little time left to do God’s work!


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